How do I check the status of an order?


  • When an order is placed on your Shopify store with an OGO product, the OGO app automatically fetches the order and send it to OGO.
  • Within a business day, you'll be invoiced and billed (the credit card you add to the OGO app). If billed successfully you will receive an itemised invoice with your order details and prices
  • Once invoiced, your order is now in the OGO production queue. The items are picked, prepared and printed over the next 3-7 business days (on average). Some items and larger orders may require extra production time if awaiting stock from the supplier.
  • Your Shopify Order will have its status changed to 'fulfilled'
  • Your order is shipped, with Auspost or Couriers Pllease, sending a tracking email to your registered email address. Customers do not get a tracking email yet

Coming Soon

  • Live order status dashboard in the OGO App
  • Tracking numbers sent to the store owner and the customer (optional)
  • Tracking numbers updated to the Shopify Order details automatically
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